
Full Version: Feedback for the Rulebook
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so now that the ruebooks are shipping, i thought to open a feedback thread. What is missing? Something misspelled?
There some mistakes, which happen of course, and i want to show Taban these so that they can get rid of them in the next prints.

There are some parts in the rulebook which are still in french. Nothing important in terms of understanding the rules or the backround but wrong nonetheless.
These are on pages: 119 and 130 a) Preparation Phase.
And all the shown cards are in french.

I really like this book and i hope there will be more with some short stories and backround on individual characters. But as a start it's pretty nice Smile

(12-30-2012 08:19 AM)Eorl Wrote: [ -> ]...
2) the gallery isn't complete, I wish they had placed a picture from each miniature which you can order till november.

I think i would have been too much if they had shown every single model. They show enough to peak your interest if you are searching for a faction. Smile

Happy new year!
I'm very pleased with the book, my only (minor) issue was the lack of templates. The explosion template is referenced but it's size isn't given and there's not one to be found anywhere on the website, hopefully a downloadable version to follow when errata are done and errata'd cards too, pleaseSmile
You can find the templates in the Joker Starter Set Smile
Which is great if you play Jokers or know someone else who does, Kate on the other hand needs one!
(01-09-2013 05:07 PM)Skullsandspanners Wrote: [ -> ]Which is great if you play Jokers or know someone else who does, Kate on the other hand needs one!

Honestly, that link is very well hidden, but available, on the main site. The cards are there though. Good hunting!
(01-09-2013 11:53 PM)Silveri Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-09-2013 05:07 PM)Skullsandspanners Wrote: [ -> ]Which is great if you play Jokers or know someone else who does, Kate on the other hand needs one!

Honestly, that link is very well hidden, but available, on the main site. The cards are there though. Good hunting!
I at least didn't find the explosion template there, however.
(01-09-2013 05:07 PM)Skullsandspanners Wrote: [ -> ]Which is great if you play Jokers or know someone else who does, Kate on the other hand needs one!

On a site where the cards of the starter sets are downloadable, you should look there first before you complain Wink

They are not included in the english download though!
Try the french one Smile

And i assume that the explosion template is the same as the molotov one.
Aha! Never thought of that, will try French downloads, thanks!
(01-10-2013 08:30 AM)Sashgo Wrote: [ -> ]They are not included in the english download though!
Try the french one Smile
OK, that's weird. Didn't occur to me, either.

Thank you for pointing that out!
Thanks for the feedback, the mistakes will be corrected in the next prints.
Luckily, the rules are not heavily hindered by these mistakes, at least I hope.
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