Boris |
When Boris lands on the battlefield, he calls the tune!...
25 mm top of head, 4 parts pewter model. Sold unpainted with resin base
Original ...
9.00EUR |
Faction dice - Jokers |
Faction dice - Jokers
10 * 16mm dice square with round corners :
- 9 special Jokers dice (with the faction symbol on the 6 spot side) , Yellow an...
8.00EUR |
Grigoriy |
This ugly guy with cute toys has an explosive sense of humor...
38 mm top of head, 3 parts pewter model. Sold unpainted with resin base
11.00EUR |
Grusha & Fifi |
Grusha & Fifi.
Grusha the Tamer and Fifi her minion Lycal...
2 characters, 5 parts. Requires assembly and painting
Grusha sculpted and painted by M...
14.00EUR |
Irina |
If she can't take your ennemy down with her cutlasses, her bad tricks will slow him down..
35 mm top of head, 5 parts pewter model. Sold unpa...
9.00EUR |
Mikhail |
Ever changing, ever jocking, Mikhail the mimic will ge the best of your oponents..
34 mm top of head, 3 parts pewter model. Sold unpainted ...
8.00EUR |
Nicolaï |
The vacuum clowner...yet he tends to leave a big mess behind him
1 parts pewter miniature, 30mm top of the head.
Original sculpt by Benoit...
8.00EUR |
Piotr |
Show must go on ! More rounds, more jokers in your warband.. and all these goodies admist the flames !
40 mm top of head, 4 parts pewter mode...
9.00EUR |
Serguei |
Water or fire ? with serguei you can have both... although he usually prefers fire
34 mm top of head, 2 parts pewter model. Sold unpainted ...
8.00EUR |
Stipan |
Even if he is not very sturdy, Stipan can disturb your foes with his disgusting belches !.
Original sculpt and painting by M. Ait Mehdi "Moh...
8.00EUR |
Vassiliev |
Vassiliev is a bugging and agile fellow, as long as he stands on his unicycle...
4 parts pewter miniature (with optional tribal mask), 46...
9.00EUR |
Yûri |
Yûri is the brother of Vlädd. Swift and agile, he can finish off those who haven't died from his molotov with some deadly throwing knives...
8.00EUR |