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04-21-2016 02:31 AM
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02-09-2016 09:15 PM
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Bits missing from order, ...
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04-30-2015 10:33 AM
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Posted by: Lemminkäinen - 04-21-2016 02:31 AM - No Replies

This forums has been abandoned - the community can now be found here:
(most of the forums is in French but there's an English section called English Community)

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  Bits missing from order, no answer to e-mails!
Posted by: nonefornic - 04-30-2015 10:33 AM - No Replies

Hey I get this is a problem with Taban, but I placed an order back in April and received it only to find the minis were missing bits - A Larhima and Musharef Askari with only one arm each. After a few weeks of e-mails I've yet to receive a reply.

Um... yeah... little help?

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  The Forum
Posted by: RichardH - 12-06-2013 03:36 PM - Replies (3)

Good to the see the forum is being used again..
From people not wanting to sell kitchen I mean Big Grin

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  Dealing with Taban question?
Posted by: nonefornic - 08-14-2013 07:18 PM - Replies (5)

Hey all, I'm currently dealing with a slight problem and I'm curious if it's the usual fair... A while back I ordered "Sabaka" for the Bamaka faction and got sent a French card with the promise of an English one soon to come (I don't speak/read French). After three months of chasing I got sent an "Abama" card which is a bit, well, useless as I already have one (got it with the starter box). Is this sort of thing usual or have I encountered a bit of an exceptional problem? I've ordered from Taban a few times before and this feels exception, but its hard to tell...

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Thumbs Down No answer to my e-mails!!!
Posted by: Gatoulas - 03-13-2013 11:27 PM - Replies (5)

Hello everyone.

My last order (24/01/13) has not arrived yet. I sent five e-mails but received no answer. Anyone else the same trouble? Is there a problem with Taban? As an old customer I am truly disappointed with this total lack of communication.

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  Card Deck
Posted by: RichardH - 03-11-2013 04:57 PM - Replies (2)

Is there a possibility that in a far future you guy's are selling Decks with al the Missions and Tactical Cards?

Maybe even a Scenario or Campaign book?

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  Hello-and some help with a Missing Part.
Posted by: Mother Inferior - 02-13-2013 07:54 AM - Replies (8)

Hello all!
I got enthralled with Eden when the first four starter boxes showed up at my FLGS. I immediately went with the jokers, and enjoyed many a game with them. I drifted slightly as all hobbyists do, but have returned. I picked up the new book, the Askaris starter, and both Starters for the Hord.

Unfortunately, I discovered one of my Lycals was missing a leg. I'm missing the raised leg from the first Lycal in this picture: http://www.taban-miniatures.com/shop2/pr...cts_id=286

I sent Taban an email yesterday, but haven't heard anything yet. Then again, this is probably a little premature. Is there anything else I can do?

Greetings all, I'm happy to be back in the fold. Looking forward to many, many games!


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  Searching Alisha
Posted by: Mordread - 12-30-2012 06:19 PM - No Replies

Hi there. Is there somebode who like to sell me the special miniature Alisha???

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  Eden rule book - data confirmation - but i can´t answer
Posted by: raven01 - 12-13-2012 01:42 AM - Replies (4)


i have got an email from the Taban-Shop (sales@taban-miniatures.com), but i can´t answer. I got always the massage "Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender"

What i´m doing wrong?


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  Hello & Missing Parts
Posted by: rebuzz - 11-27-2012 03:31 AM - Replies (16)

I am new member from Germany. I played Eden the first time in Essen. I had a lot of fun and I immediately bought a bunch of ISC miniatures.
Unfortunately there were not enough miniatures in Essen, so I agreed to a shipment of the missing minis and cards. I mail two times to studio@taban-miniatures.com but did not get a message back.
There are also some parts missing of the green tonbo I got allready in Essen.
Can somebody please help me with my issue.
Kind Regards

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