Activation of fighters

During a round, players will use their fighters so they can perform actions such as move, fight, etc..

However, to reflect the reactivity of each character, the players will be able to activate them according to their speed. Thus, if a player activates a fighter with a speed of 3, his opponent may interrupt him to enable one of its fighters with a higher speed to perform his own actions. This simple rule helps to energize the game and turns the activation phase very strategic.

Each fighter has 3 points of action per round that can be used at will when activated to move, carry out attacks, use his special abilities or meet conditions imposed by the mission selected by the player.

Solve the actions…

As in many games, solve actions with the combatants utilizes a share of chance. Eden uses D6 for the resolution of the combats, shooting or certain special capacities. Each action has specific resolution method on a common basis.

Let us imagine that a large mutant, Tukwilla Bloody-fangs, attacks Anton, brutal fighter of the Jokers Gang. Anton has the possibility to react to this attack, but for the needs for the example, let’s admit that she does nothing (which it is completely possible besides). To solve this attack, Tukwilla throws a number of D6 equal to his combat characteristic , it is a “Combat throw”. Each result equal to or higher than the Vigor (the difficulty criteria) of Anton counts like a success. Tukwilla also carries out a “Localization throw” to designate the limb wounded by the attack. Then each success can be used either to modify of 1 point the localization result (to hit a specific limb) or to inflict damages to Anton.

This basic, simple and effective system, is enriched by the fact that the target of an attack is able to counteract or dodge. Other types of possible actions (shooting, defense, disengagement…) use a similar system. 

Here is for the outline of the basic rules. To finish, note that these rules can be supplemented, at the choice of the players, by additional rules like the impact of the weather, the management of not-players characters or the advanced sceneries rules (destructible, interactive, etc). And other additional rules are allready under development…







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